Record series

General Correspondence Files, Two-Number system

VPRS 12829
by 1973 - 1989
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1973 - 1989
Series in custody: 1973 - 1989
Contents in custody: 1943 - 1989

Function / Content

The series consists of correspondence files mostly relating to the staffing of courts and the employment conditions of court staff, including the appointment and employment conditions of judges. It includes records relating to policy development.

It is not known definitively, but the files in this series are believed to have been maintained by the Courts Management Division within the Attorney-General's Department. The division is known to have maintained a correspondence registry relating to personnel matters and it had responsibilities relating to the provision of staff in the Supreme, County, Magistrates', Coroner's and Children's Courts.

How to use the records

There are no control records for this series. Researchers will need to browse the consignment details to identify files of interest.

Recordkeeping system

The recordkeeping system is subject to further research. It appears that a two number filing system was used. It is not known what subject classifications the numbers represented. It is believed that a card index, arranged alphabetically by file title, was used to access the files. The index has not been located.