Record series
General Correspondence Files, Registry 02 Courts and Tribunals Division
VPRS 12830
1989 - 2000
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Department of Justice ( VA3085 ): 1992 - present
Agencies responsible for this record series: Date Range
Series date range: 1989 - 2000
Series in custody:
1989 - 2003
Contents in custody:
1989 - 2003
Function / Content
This series consists of correspondence files relating to the administration of courts in Victoria. It was maintained by the Courts Management Division within VA 2825 Attorney-General's Department from 1989 to 1992, and the Courts and Tribunal Services Division within VA 3085 Department of Justice 1992 to 2000 (Courts, Tribunals and Registries Division from c1995). The division has been responsible for providing administrative support services to the Supreme, County, Magistrates', and Children's Courts, the State Coroner's Office and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.How to use the records
To access this series refer to VPRS 12831 List of Registry 2 Courts and Tribunals Division Files. Use the list to identify files that may be relevant to your research. Note the file numbers of the files and then consult the consignment details for this series to determine if the files are in Public Record Office Victoria custody. Call up the files using the unit number(s) and file number(s) shown on the consignment details.Recordkeeping system
Files are arranged in file number order.The files in this series were controlled by a computerised file management system known as RCMS, or Records and Correspondence Management System. Its functions included file number allocation, control of file titling, file tracking, and file search. RCMS also provided for the registration and control of individual items of correspondence.
RCMS was first established within the central correspondence registry of the Attorney-General's Department in 1987. It was initially used to control the Department's central registered correspondence. In 1992, when the Attorney-General's Department was replaced by the Department of Justice, RCMS was selected as the new department's central file and correspondence management system. Over time, correspondence series created by different administrative areas within the Department, and sub-agencies under the Department's control, have been incorporated into it. The Attorney-General's Department Courts Management Division began to register its correspondence files on RCMS in 1989, giving rise to this series.
Each administrative area or sub-agency is known within RCMS as a registry. For purposes of file registration and thesaurus control, the registries are more or less independent of each other. Each registry is denoted by a simple sequential number, which is incorporated into the file number of the files registered within it. This creates a distinct file number sequence for each registry. The Courts Management Division registered its files under Registry 2 Courts and Tribunals Division.
The series ceased in 2000, when files began to be registered in Registry 1 Corporate Management Division (refer VPRS 12607 General Correspondence Files, Registry 1 Corporate Management Division). Note that there is a gap in the series for the period 1991 to 1993. Information provided by the agency indicates that files were not registered in Registry 2 for this period. The reason why this occurred is subject to further research.
RCMS File Numbers:
File numbers consist of an annual single number combined with the Registry number. File number 89/02- 0001/1, for example, is the 1st file (Part 1), created in Registry 2 Courts and Tribunals Division, in 1989.