Record series
Index To Barristers and Solicitors Admission Files
VPRS 1357
1892 - 1990
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Supreme Court of Victoria ( VA2549 ): 1892 - 1990
Agencies responsible for this record series: Supreme Court of Victoria ( VA 2549 ): 1892 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1892 - 1990
Series in custody:
1892 - 1990
Contents in custody:
1892 - 1990
Function / Content
This series consists of the covers or dividers to the files containing the papers relating to the admission to practise of barristers and solicitors in the Supreme Court after the passing of the Legal Profession Act 1891 which provided that there would no longer be a separation between the two groups.These dividers list the names of persons admitted with a file control number. These numbers may be used to retrieve the admission papers from VPRS 468 Barristers and Solicitors Admission Files.Also included in the series is a listing of Attorneys Nos.1 55 (Index to Attorneys).