Record series

Community Support Fund Grant Files and Administration Records

VPRS 13961
by 1996 - present
North Melbourne


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Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1996 - present
Series in custody: 1996 - 2000
Contents in custody: 1996 - 2000

Function / Content

The Community Support Fund (CSF) was established under the Gaming Control Act 1991 (s.138). The Fund was to provide money for projects aimed at preventing problem gambling and drug abuse, or for the benefit of youth, sport or recreation, the arts, tourism or community advancement.

There are two types of file held in this series.
The first contains records of successful grants by the CSF: correspondence, submissions for funding, submission appraisals, expenditure outlines, reports on outcomes of expenditure and other miscellaneous documents relating to bodies seeking funding or their programs, such as press releases, publications or constitutions.
The second type of file is for general administration of the CSF, and contains correspondence and financial dealings with Government departments, internal reports, and reports commissioned to analyse its performance.

How to use the records

Files are arranged by file title and number. Researchers can search for a specific file at the item level by file number, broad classification subject heading (see section - Record Keeping System for list of headings), or by a search on file title (if known).

Recordkeeping system

The files were created in RecFind, the Department of Premier and Cabinet's records management system. Each of these files was registered in an annual single file number sequence, and allocated a file title in a broad classification scheme.

The classified subject areas are:
Community Services
Youth Affairs
Sport and Recreation
Turning the Tide - Department of Human Services

A further free-text title was added to indicate the exact nature of the project, ie 19960001, Smith Family Crisis and Family Counselling.