Record series
Register of Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom [refer to microform copy, VPRS 3502]
1839 - 1871
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Superintendent, Port Phillip District ( VA473 ): 1839 - 1851
Colonial Secretary's Office ( VA856 ): 1851 - 1855
Department of Trade and Customs ( VA606 ): 1855 - 1871
Agencies responsible for this record series: Date Range
Series date range: 1839 - 1871
Series in custody:
1839 - 1871
Contents in custody:
1839 - 1871
Function / Content
The registers contain lists of names of immigrants from Britain to Victoria, Australia between 1839 and 1871. These immigrants were 'assisted', meaning in most cases that their passage was subsidised by the Victorian Government.The register for each ship may include the name of the ship, the ship's captain's name, place and date of departure, place and date of arrival. For each passenger the register may include: name, occupation, native country and county, religion, ability to read and / or write, sex, age, marital status and "disposal" (employer on arrival).
How to use the records
An index to this series is available online, linked to the front page of the Access the Collection catalogue.Refer to VPRS 3502, the microform copy of these records. It can be viewed in PROV's North Melbourne and Ballarat Reading Rooms.