
This record series was created by:
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Date Range

Series date range: 1914
Series in custody:
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Function / Content

This series consists of photographs recording particular events relating to the Mining Department (VA 612).

Consignment P1 records the Ministerial visit of the Honourable John Drysdale Brown, Minister for Mines, to the Ovens and Buckland Rivers system to view dredging leases. The visit was to view the state of the rivers after a serious sludge and pollution problem caused as a result of lode and alluvial mining in the area. This problem was being controlled by the actions of the Sludge Abatement Board (VA 1403), which had been working on preventing further pollution problems in the area since its inception in 1905.

How to use the records

Order in the volume of interest, then leaf through it until the photograph of interest has been located.

Recordkeeping system

Photographs are arranged chronologically and by locality, possibly in order of areas visited (although this remains to be proven).