Record series

Card Index to General Correspondence Files (General Health Branch ?1944-1978; Public Health Division 1978-1985) [RECORDS NOT TRANSFERRED]

VPRS 14837
1944 - 1986


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1944 - 1986
Series in custody: 1950 - 1986
Contents in custody: 1950 - 1986

Function / Content

This series consists of a card index, maintained in flat drawers within metal cabinets, created between the period:

- ? 1944-1978 by the General Health Branch of the Department of Health I (VA 695)
- 1978-1985 by the Public Health Division of the Health Commission of Victoria (VA 652), and
- 1985-1986 by the Department of Health II (VA 2695).

The index was specifically created and used to index and to track the movement of files which comprise VPRS 14836. A card was created for each file in that series and records the file number and file title allocated and details of file movements between officers of the Department. This index appears to cover all of the files created in VPRS 14836.

Use of these cards was discontinued in 1986 when the Department of Health II combined VPRS 14836 with both the general correspondence (VPRS 14831) and Executive files (VPRS 14832) created by the central registry of the Department and previous Commission's Central Administration Division. At this time, the Department selected a number of files from VPRS 14836 which were considered to be required for future reference/action and `top numbered' (i.e allocated new file numbers from) the new series. The new file number for these files have also been recorded on the relevant cards of this index.

How to use the records

Researchers should use this index to obtain file numbers necessary to retrieve files from VPRS 14836.

Identify the category heading likely to be relevant to the area of interest. If a relevant category heading cannot be identified, consult the portions of the index marked either, General Index or Locality Index. This portion of the index relates to files not created as part of the other established categories.

Please note that some cards have been annotated with a reference to an archive box number. These references should be disregarded as it does not refer to boxing completed as part of the transfer of these records to PROV custody.

Recordkeeping system

The files in VPRS 14836 are arranged alphabetically by subject classification and in sequential number order within that category. File numbers are thus alpha-numeric comprising the letter H (presumably for Health), an initialisation or abbreviation of the category heading and a sequential file number, for example:

- H. Cpts. 14 (fourteenth file within the complaints category)
- H. A.R. 5 (fifth file within the annual reports category).

This index contains a card for each file. Cards are arranged in alphabetical order by file title within each category. The categories are not arranged in any particular order within the index, however, each drawer is clearly labelled with the category.