
This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1840 - 1858
Series in custody: 1852
Contents in custody: 1852

Function / Content

This series contains correspondence, circulars and completed pro forma sent to the Commissioner of Crown Lands of the County of Grant situated at Geelong.

Matters dealt with in the correspondence concern all of the duties of Commissioners of Crown Lands including dealing with the licensing of occupation, the leasing and sale of land, the management of the Border police and other judicial duties. Included is correspondence relating to the administration of Crown lands in the District. For details of these duties, consult the text for VRG 27 District Land Offices or for VA 4738 Commissioner of Crown Lands, County of Grant.

How to use the records

Consult the Consignment Details.

Recordkeeping system

There is only one piece of correspondence in the P1 consignment.