Record series
General Correspondence Files, Alpha-Numeric System, Corporate Resources Unit
VPRS 15756
2003 - by 2004
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series: Australian Centre for the Moving Image [ACMI] ( VA 4411 ): 2003 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 2003 - 2004
Series in custody:
2003 - 2004
Contents in custody:
1996 - 2004
Function / Content
This series comprises general correspondence files maintained by the Corporate Resources unit of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (VA 4411).The files were arranged according to an alpha-numeric classification system. All files, previously kept in subject based lever-arch folders were incorporated into the new system. This series included files created by the Corporate Resources unit of Cinemedia (VA4117) which was an administrative predecessor of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. As a result, the date range of the contents of this series pre-dates the creating agency's date range.
It appears that this system was introduced sometime in 2003 when, in the absence of a central records management system, a number of business units established their own file classification schemes in order to maintain a better control over their records.
Physical files were identified by an allocated alpha-numeric code only. File classification details were not included on file covers.
How to use the records
Use the File Classification List located in VPRS 15757 to identify items relevant to your research. Refer to the consignment details for this series to access the general correspondence files arranged in alpha-numeric order.Recordkeeping system
The files were registered according to alpha-numeric classification. Refer to the File Classification List located in the VPRS 15757 / P1 for details.Alphabetical prefix CR and primary number 1 was the same for all the files and identified the business unit. The secondary number related to the subject classification. The tertiary number identified a specific file. For example: secondary number 2 related to the general subject of Business Planning; tertiary number 1 was allocated to a file devoted to Cinemedia Strategic Plan 1999-2003.
Due to the limitations of the database and for the researchers' benefit, the consignment details were arranged in the following manner:
Description 1: File Number
Description 2: Tertiary level of the file classification
Description 3: Secondary level of the file classification
Description 4: Primary level of the file classification