Record series

General Correspondence Files, Alpha-Code Prefix Annual Single Number System (Planning and Policy Division)

VPRS 16083
1998 - 2007
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1998 - 2007
Series in custody: 1998 - 2006
Contents in custody: 1995 - 2006

Function / Content

This series consists of general correspondence files created and maintained by the Planning and Policy Division, the predecessors of the Policy & Intergovernmental Relations Division of the Department of Infrastructure.

The files contain inward and copies of outward correspondence, internal memoranda, minutes of meetings, briefing notes, reports, submissions, contracts and plans relevant to the Division's responsibilities.

The Department of Infrastructure (VA 3971) was established in 1996. One of the primary functions carried out by the department following its establishment was strategic and statutory planning, with an emphasis on the physical environment and facilities needed to deliver major infrastructure projects by developing long-term strategies for land use, roads and transport, and by conducting strategic appraisals of projects of major importance to regions and the State.

The Strategic Planning and Engineering Services Division was established to lead the Department in strategic planning. By June 1997 the division had become Strategic Planning & Economic Services Division. By June 1999 it was known as the Strategic Planning Division. By 2003 it had become the Planning and Policy Division. It was responsible for:
Integrated Transport Planning
Infrastructure Economics and Transport Policy
Corporate Planning and Performance.

In 2007 the division was renamed Policy & Intergovernmental Relations Division.

How to use the records

If researchers have a file number then the consignment details, which are arranged sequentially in file-number order, may be consulted directly. If a file number is not known the lists may be browsed for the relevant files. An explanation of the alpha-code prefixes is given below.

Recordkeeping system

The records in this series are paper files. During the period that this series covers, files were created and managed within RecFind across the department. Most divisions within the department employed their own alpha code prefixes. The prefixes refer to divisional names, branch names, programs or projects. Files were registered with an alpha-code followed by an annual single number.

In an annual single number system, file numbers were made up of the year (e.g., 2001) and a sequential number (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.). For example, file number 2001/000014 would be the 14th file of 2001. File numbers reverted to 1 at the beginning of each year. Continuing by way of example, file SPU/2001/000014/ 2 would be the second part of the 14th file created in 2001 under the Strategic Planning Unit.

Alpha-codes employed by the Planning and Policy Division (and its predecessors) were:
IDG = Infrastructure Development Group
IPB = Integrated Planning Branch
IPP = Infrastructure Projects and Planning Development
ITP = Integrated Transport Planning
ITS = Integrated Transport Strategy
PPD = Planning and Policy Division
SPU = Strategic Planning Unit
TPE = Transport Policy and Economics.

In March 2007 the Department of Infrastructure ceased to use RecFind as its electronic recordkeeping system and introduced TRIM records management software. All RecFind files and documents were migrated into TRIM as legacy files.