Record series
General Correspondence Files, Two-number System
VPRS 16130
1996 - 2007
Closed, Open
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Department of State Development II ( VA3973 ): 1996 - 1999
Agencies responsible for this record series: Date Range
Series date range: 1996 - 2007
Series in custody:
1996 - 2007
Contents in custody:
1996 - 2009
Function / Content
The Office of Commonwealth Games Co-ordination (OCGC) was created to facilitate the planning and delivery of the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. It was a division within the Department for Victorian Communities.The earliest records in this series were created in 1996 by Sport and Recreation Victoria (within the Department of State Development) and then in 2000 by Sport and Recreation Victoria (within the Department of State and Regional Development). Subsequently, in 2002, the records were created by the Office of Commonwealth Games (within the Department of Tourism, Sport and the Commonwealth Games).
Records in this series cover a wide variety of functions and activities including:
- Federal and State Government funding agreements
- Budget management
- cabinet and parliamentary liaison
- planning, design and construction management of the games village, venues and public infrastructure
- education programs; cultural program and festival
- traffic and transport operations and planning; and
- volunteering and training.
How to use the records
Refer to the consignment details to identify files relevant to your research.The consignment details include the file number and title of each file. The files are listed in file number order.
Recordkeeping system
From February 2002, files were registered in RecFind, the Department for Victorian Communities' records management system. The files were registered using the two-number system from 1996 to 2007.OCGC continued with the same numbering system as Sport and Recreation Victoria.