Record series

'Early' General Nurse Record Cards, Alphabetical

VPRS 16364
1924 - 1957
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1924 - 1957
Series in custody: 1924 - 1957
Contents in custody: 1924 - 1957

Function / Content

The early general record cards recorded the registration details of nurses and associated details, such as training, qualifications and registration certificates held. For post-1958 record cards, see VPRS 16373.

How to use the records

Consult the records description list to obtain the required unit number. The cards are arranged in alphabetical order, by the surname of the nurse.

Recordkeeping system

The cards are arranged alphabetically, by the surname of the nurse. Entries for re-registration made on the card are in chronological order.