Record series
Departmental Cabinet -in -Confidence Working Records, Bracks-Brumby Government [Department of Planning and Community Development]
VPRS 16585
1999 - 2010
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Department of Infrastructure ( VA3971 ): 1999 - 2002
Department for Victorian Communities ( VA4562 ): 2002 - 2007
Agencies responsible for this record series: Date Range
Series date range: 1999 - 2010
Series in custody:
1999 - 2010
Contents in custody:
1999 - 2010
Function / Content
This series comprises working papers related to primary Cabinet-in-Confidence material generated within the Department to assist:- in the preparation or tracking of a submission to Cabinet or a Cabinet Committee,
- in the development of advice to a Minister or departmental officer on any matter that has been or is intended to be considered by Cabinet or one of its Committees, or - in the communication of outcomes of Cabinet or Cabinet Committee deliberations.
Examples include:
- draft Cabinet or Cabinet Committee material and any proposed or actual attachment to Cabinet or Cabinet Committee submissions,
- Ministerial briefing notes, memos or speaking notes,
- departmental briefing notes, memos, comments and discussion papers on Cabinet material, such as possible legislation proposals or terms of reference for a Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry,
- relevant legal opinions,
- correspondence identifying Cabinet-in-Confidence information,
- internal distribution lists for Cabinet-in-Confidence material, and
Cabinet or Cabinet Committee memberships and meeting schedules.
For Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Submissions created by the Cabinet Office, refer to VPRS 12643, Cabinet Office Records, Multiple Number System.
How to use the records
Browse the record descriptions or keyword search within the series to locate items of interest.Recordkeeping system
This is an artificially created series comprising records created by Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) (VA 4838) and the various predecessor departments.Period :2002 to 2009
These records were initially registered and managed in the Department of Infrastructure's (VA 3971) record keeping system, RecFind. The records and their associated RecFind registration data were transferred to the Department of Victorian Communities (DVC) (VA 4562), and managed in the latter's RecFind system following a Machinery of Government change in 2002.
The DVC RecFind system comprised 15 databases with different numbering sequences. The DVC database, where the Cabinet- in- Confidence files were registered, was the primary database. Files in the DVC database were registered in a sequential two number system, with the first number identifying the business unit or function. Cabinet in Confidence files were prefixed by 007. 0007/000001 to 007/000332. Prefix 007 identifies the records as Cabinet in Confidence.
The record registration data was migrated into a new records management system, eDocs, in mid 2009.
PERIOD: 2009 to ct
The records are hardcopy and electronic Cabinet-in-Confidence records registered and managed within eDocs across the department.
EDocs is DPCD's primary recordkeeping system, replacing RecFind in June 2009.
Files in edocs are assigned annual single numbers (e.g. 09/123456, 09/000653 to 10/025078.
Period: 1999 to 2009 : Records relating to Statutory Planning Function
The records in this series also contains hardcopy Cabinet-in-Confidence records relating to the planning function.
These records were initially registered and managed in the Department of Infrastructure's record keeping system, RecFind. The records and their associated RecFind registration data were transferred and managed within the Department of Sustainability and Environment's RecFind system following a Machinery of Government change in 2002.
The registration data was migrated again to the Department of Planning and Community Development's (DPCD) RecFind system following another Machinery of Government change in 2007.
This database (Recfind) was decommissioned in June 2009 and the records and their associated data were migrated to DPCD's new recordkeeping system, eDocs.
Alphanumeric System
CB identified the records as Cabinet in Confidence. The next alpahbetical codes refer to the first level of file classification (CAB = Cabinet Papers, COM = Committees, LEP = Legislative Proposal). The following 2-digit sequence refers to the second level of file classification (i.e. 03 = Appoinments, 06 = Submissions etc). This was followed by the sequential file number.
Range: CB-CAB/03/0003 to CB-LEP/01/0084