Record series
General Correspondence Files, Single Number System
VPRS 16771
1996 - 2004
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Department of State Development II ( VA3973 ): 1996 - 1999
Agencies responsible for this record series: Date Range
Series date range: 1996 - 2004
Series in custody:
1996 - 2004
Contents in custody:
1995 - 2012
Function / Content
This series consists of correspondence files created by the Department of State Development II (VA 3973) and its sucessor agencies, State and Regional Development (VA 4189) and Innovation, Industry and Regional Development (VA 4564).The contents of files relate to the full range of responsibilities of these agencies which included industrial relations, small business and state and regional development.
How to use the records
Refer to the list of series to identify files relevant to your research.The list details the file number and title of each file.