Record series
Order Book
VPRS 17047
1880 - 1931
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Corinella Cemetery Trust ( VA4966 ): 1880 - 1931
Agencies responsible for this record series: Corinella Cemetery Trust ( VA 4966 ): 1880 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1880 - 1931
Series in custody:
1879 - 1931
Contents in custody:
1879 - 1931
Function / Content
This series consists of Order books that are created to record the details of the right of interment by burial or cremation. The order is an application to the Trustee of the Cemetery for permission to inter the remains of a deceased individual. Without the order a deceased is unable to be buried or cremated.Section 25 of the Cemeteries Act (1915), states that any person having the exclusive right of burial or interment at a family or private burial place in any grave vault or place of burial in any public cemetery on producing to the trustees satisfactory evidence of such right.
The Cemetery has legislative obligations to keep accurate records of the rights of interments as stated in Section 59 of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act, (2003). The order book provides the evidence that the right of interment has been ordered and the information that is detailed in the order book is correct.
The Corinella Cemetery Trust allowed individuals who live in the region of Corinella and are poor or homeless to be buried at no cost when they die. Under the provisions of the Cemeteries Acts, trustees were required to permit the free burials of destitute persons (paupers).
The Order Book includes details of the deceased individual and information about their burial or cremation.
The Order Book records the following information about the deceased:
- Name of deceased
- Late residence of the deceased
- Rank of the deceased [employment]
- Age of the deceased
- Denomination [religious affiliation]
- Nature of Disease [cause of death]
Details relating to the Burial/Cremations:
- Public or Private grave
- Will it be selected by applicant [A grave site may be selected by the
applicant, however an additional cost is charged for doing so]
- Minister to Officiate
- Day and hour of Funeral
- What depth and other dimensions
- If first or second interment
- Signature of the Applicant [person who is applying for the order)
How to use the records
To locate the order of a deceased individual buried or cremated at the Corinella Cemetery Trust, the researcher must know the name of the deceased and date of the order.Recordkeeping system
The order books are arranged chronologically by date of order. The order book records an order number that corresponds to the same receipt number in the Receipt Book (VPRS 17046), which consists of information about the purchase of the order of the right of burial or cremation.As part of the recordkeeping system, a Record of Burials (VPRS 17045) was maintained. It allocated a sequential number to each burial and cremation.
A subsequent series to the Order book (VPRS 17047) and Receipt Book (VPRS 17046) is the Order and Receipt Book (VPRS 17048) which combines the order and receipt into the single book.