Record series

Central Correspondence Files, RMS System

VPRS 17369
1986 - 1992
Closed, Open
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1986 - 1992
Series in custody: 1980 - 1992
Contents in custody: 1918 - 2002

Function / Content

In 1985 there was a major re-organisation of the administration and provision of Health Services in Victoria which resulted in the establishment of the Department of Health II (VA 2695) in 1985. The powers and responsibilities of the Health Commission of Victoria (VA 652) and its Chairman were vested in the Department of Health and its Chief General Manager. Many services which had been traditionally regarded as health services were redefined as community services and by 1 October 1985 responsibility for these services was transferred to the Department of Community Services (VA 2633). In October 1992 Department of Health II (VA 2695) amalgamated with Community Services Victoria to form the Department of Health and Community Services (VA 3092).

The series was created to administer policy, procedures and correspondence relating to the public health function in Victoria. They comprise central registry RMS files created by the Department of Health II (commonly known as Health Department Victoria HDV) (VA 2695). The records concern a broad range of subjects including ambulance services, child services specialists, drugs, occupational health and safety, legislation, residential care, special accommodation houses, publications, travel, works and services, Ministerial correspondence, etc.

In 1986 a new filing sequence was established which combined the central administration files VPRS 14831, the Executive files of VPRS 14832 and the general correspondence files of the General Health Division (VPRS 14836).

The new series was controlled by a computerised record management system utilising the `RMS' software package. Under this package files were allocated a sequential number with a numeric/alpha prefix which identified a broad subject area. During the process of the establishment of this new system, the Health Department selected a number of files from within this series which were required for ongoing and future reference/action by the Department. These files were accordingly `top numbered' i.e allocated new file numbers from the new filing system. The relevant entries in the card register in VPRS 14833 were annotated with the new file number.

How to use the records

Refer to the list of records for this series to select files of interest.

Recordkeeping system

These files were managed through HDV's central records RMS database.The RMS system enabled files to be controlled through a database which issued file titles and numbers but not correspondence or tracking. The file title classification system was implemented across the Departments' various divisional and regional centres which facilitated consistent usage of nomenclature, title structuring and numbering.

The major feature of RMS was in its ability to integrate and expand divisional records management systems. As a result, the departmental filing systems were not fractured by differences between individual registries. RMS thus facilitated broader and more interactive record keeping practices, allowing departments to upgrade their files classification methods by managing them through the central database.

RMS file numbers were broken into four major sequences: e.g. 9 02 F05 00530.
Sequence one: e.g. 9.

The first number in the sequence indicates the region that the file came from. These were broken into nine sections.

Region Number Region
2 Administration Services / Management Services / Policy & Programs
3 Residential Care Standards / Registration & Bylaws
6 Health Promotions Unit
7 Statewide Services / Drugs & Poisons
9 Head Office

Sequence two: e.g. 02
The second two numbers in the sequence indicate the station the file came from, i.e. the record registry within the region. All stations were serviced by a records officer and an HDV RMS terminal.

Station Area Responsibility
01 Facilities Management
02 Administration Services
Management Services
Policy and Programs
03 Residential Care Standards
Registration and Bylaws
04 Ministerial Correspondence
05 Freedom of Information
06 Health Promotions Unit
07 Statewide Services
Drugs and Poisons
08 Willsmere Project - Archival
09 Information Systems
10 Personnel
11 Industrial Relations

Sequence three: e.g. F05
The third section in the sequence signifies a subject which was comprised of an alpha subject code, or keyword code e.g. A is for Aboriginal Services; W is for Works and Services Program. The second part of this sequence is a numeric reference which is comprised of two numbers assigned to the keyword code.

Sequence four: e.g. 00530
This number is a unique file identifying reference. This number may have an additional number affixed to it which indicates the part number of that file, e.g. file number 907-W04-00826-02 is the second part of the file numbered 907-W04-00826.
File Titles

File titles comprised of one keyword and up to seven descriptors which were drawn from the RMS thesaurus (comprising Keywords, Descriptors, Barred Terms and Abbreviations). In addition to this, a file had a third level comprising a narrative or free text section.
An example of a title would be:
Keyword: Public Hospitals
Descriptors: Utilisation, Data base: Patients: Reports
Narrative: Medicare Agreements: Commonwealth: Requests Information