Record series

Barristers and Solicitors Admission Files, by Admission Date

VPRS 17376
1990 - present
North Melbourne


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Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1990 - present
Series in custody: 1990 - 1995
Contents in custody: 1988 - 1995

Function / Content

This series consists of the admission files for those persons seeking admission to practise. Files have contents which include the applicants Articles of Clerkship, affidavits of due execution of clerkship and of due service, the report of the Clerk of the Board of Examiners (of the Supreme Court) and a copy of order of admission.

How to use the records

Refer to the records description list and identify files of interest.

Recordkeeping system

Files are arranged chronologically by date of admission and then alphabetically by surname. In 1990 this replaced the previous single sequential number system.