Record series

Case Book, Maternity Department

VPRS 17387
1923 - 1923
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1923
Series in custody: 1923
Contents in custody: 1923

Function / Content

The series contains one extant volume known as a Case Book. Cases are divided into classes A-F and are numbered within each class (similar to the diagnostic classifications found in Infirmary Dept Case Files), although they are now disordered - the binding has been broken open. Most cases appear to be complicated deliveries with a very high proportion of stillbirths. Far more details are provided for each case than are found in the Labour Ward Case Books VPRS 17385.

Series History
Prior to transfer to Public Record Office Victoria, the records in this series were maintained as part of the RWH Archives in RWH series number 0774.

How to use the records

Retrieve the only extant volume. Arrangement probably by diagnostic classification.