Record series

Admission and Discharge Cards

VPRS 17896
1955 - 1990
North Melbourne

Function / Content

This series consists of Admission and Discharge Cards maintained by Allambie Reception Centre (VA 5033) and Turana Youth Training Centre (VA 971) and Royal Park Receiving Depot (VA 5103)..

The cards record the biographical, admission and movement details for each child admitted to the centres.

The Admission and Discharge Cards record the following:
- child's name
- date of birth
- religion
- date of admission
- reason for admission
- information related to client siblings and parents.
- details of movements from the centre, including trail leave and discharge.

It is assumed that when Allambie opened, Royal Park Receiving Depot cards which were mixed with Turana cards were transferred over to Allambie as a whole collection. This is why the series has been assigned multiple recording agencies.

How to use the records

Consult the list of records to locate the client card of interest.

Cards are arranged by year of birth, then alphabetically by surname.

Recordkeeping system

Cards are arranged by year of birth, then alphabetically by client surname.