Record series

Child Record Cards (Turana Reception Centre and Baltara Reception Centre)

VPRS 17904
1967 - 1994
North Melbourne

Date Range

Series date range: 1967 - 1994
Series in custody: 1967 - 1994
Contents in custody: 1966 - 1994

Function / Content

This series consists of Client Record Cards maintained by Baltara Reception Centre (VA 5090) and Turana Youth Training Centre (VA 971) from 1967-1994.

The cards record the biographical, admission and movement details for each boy admitted to the centres.

The Client Cards records the following:
- child's name
- address
- religion
- education
- occupation
- date of admission
- reason for admission
- information related to client siblings and parents.
- details of movements from the centre, including trail leave and discharge.

While the card stationery states Baltara Reception Centre, some of the cards relate to clients who also resided at Turana Reception Centre.

How to use the records

Cards are arranged alphabetically by client surname.

Over time this series has been broken apart, therefore researchers may have to consult all consignments to locate the record card of interest.

Researchers may also want to consult the Register of Clients (VA 17903) for information related to Baltara clients.

Recordkeeping system

Over time the cards have been separated, most likely due to child movements between reception centres. Therefore, the cards do not run in a concurrent sequence.

Within each consignment, the cards are arranged alphabetically by client surname.