Record series

Hillside Boys Home Client Case History Files (incorporating case history files from Baltara Reception centre)

VPRS 17949
1959 - 1985
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1959 - 1985
Series in custody: 1959 - 1985
Contents in custody: 1950 - 1986

Function / Content

This series comprises of files that were created for each resident at Hillside Boys Home (VA 5102). The files incorporated client information that was transferred with the youths from other institutions including Baltara (VA 5090) and Turana (VA 971), but was a totally separate case management system from the reception centres and youth training centres.

Hillside Boys' Home client case history files may include some or all of the below information:
client's name
date of birth
personal description
when admitted
ward number
case history
family background including the names and ages of parents and siblings.
social history
documentation regarding adoption matters and wardship
case and wardship reviews
case planning
assessment notes
behavioural notes
education reports
work experience arrangements
holiday leave arrangements
employment records
social security details
offences committed
probation reports
incident reports
medical treatment details
medical reports
dental records
psychiatric reports
psychological assessments
movements to, and from, other institutions
record of mail received
record of visitors received
leave records
Victoria Police statements
court documents
bail undertakings
details regarding foster placement.
circumstances and date of discharge.

Researchers should note this series includes some Baltara Reception and Classification Case History Files. These files were transferred with the children to Hillside and incorporated into the new system with the original file covers and documentation.

How to use the records

A file was created for each resident at Hillside Boys' Home. Researchers should scan the alphabetical sequences in the Records Description List in order to access the file(s) of persons of interest.

Recordkeeping system

The files are arranged alphabetically by client surname. There are no files after the letter Q. At the time of transfer in 2017, the whereabouts of these records is unknown.

The record labels reflect the Total Record Information Management (TRIM) electronic document and records management numbering system imposed by the Department following their transfer from the agency to Archival Services. The first number refers to the year of transfer. The second number refers to the accession number within that year. The third number refers to the box number. The fourth number refers to the item number.