Record series
Client Case History Files
VPRS 17971
1966 - 1988
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Ashendene Boys' Home ( VA5100 ): 1966 - 1988
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Health and Human Services ( VA 5037 ): 2015 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1966 - 1988
Series in custody:
1966 - 1985
Contents in custody:
1963 - 1985
Function / Content
These files document the individual histories of children received into the care of the Ashendene Boys' Home (VA 5100).A file was created for each child or youth resident at Ashendene Boys' Home. Most of the clients were State Wards. The Ward Number is included on the barcode label affixed to the front cover by the Department of Health and Human Services (VA 5037) Archival Services Unit. Many of the files have Baltara file covers. Other file covers are plain manila folders as Ashendene did not have its own printed file covers.
Files may include the following: name, date of birth, Ward number, date admitted to care, date admitted to Ashendene, reasons for admission, previous placements, family details, personal history details, movement history, Wardship review reports, Wardship extensions, health information including medical treatments, parents' consent for activities, Police statements, work experience and school reports.
How to use the records
These files document the individual histories of children received into the care of the Ashendene Boys' Home (VA 5100).The files are not arranged in any particular order. The Records Description List should be perused for clients of interest.
Recordkeeping system
These files were in no apparent system of arrangement.Please note files feature labels from a numbering system imposed by the controlling Department generated from TRIM electronic document and records management system. This system does not reflect the original recordkeeping system of the series.