Record series
Child Case History Files (Turana Reception Centre and Baltara Reception Centre)
VPRS 17973
1961 - 1992
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Baltara Reception Centre ( VA5090 ): 1967 - 1992
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Health and Human Services ( VA 5037 ): 2015 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1961 - 1992
Series in custody:
1961 - 1992
Contents in custody:
1961 - 1992
Function / Content
This series consists of Client Case History Files created and maintained at the Baltara Reception Centre (VA 5033) and the Reception Centre at Turana (VA 971).The files served to document and monitor the emotional, medical and intellectual development of children admitted to the centres and provide an individual history of children received into the care of the centres from 1961-1992.
The Client Case History Files include the client's name, date of birth, personal description, religion, and admission details.
They describe the family background, including the names and ages of parents and siblings.
The files also include the following: Ward number, case history, family and social history, documentation regarding adoption matters and wardship, case reviews, case planning, assessment notes, behavioral notes, education reports, work experience arrangements, holiday leave arrangements, absconding, offences committed, probation reports, incident reports, medical treatment details, medical reports, psychiatric reports, psychological assessments, movement history, record of mail received, record of visitors received, leave records, Victoria Police statements, Court documents, circumstances and date of discharge.
This series includes both the white "Baltara Reception and Classification Case History" Files and the green institutional case management file covers usually representing the Trainees (older youths and young adults) held at youth training centres. The files with green youth training centre covers all relate to Baltara children (including their chronology). Therefore the administration's reason for using training centre file covers for the younger residents of the reception centre, is unknown and subject to further research.
Details of movements to other institutions and details regarding foster placement are also featured in the files.
How to use the records
Consult the list of records to locate the client file of interest.Files are arranged alphabetically by client name.
Recordkeeping system
Files are arranged alphabetically by client name.Please note that the files may feature labels from a numbering system imposed by the controlling Department generated from TRIM electronic document and records management system. This system does not reflect the original recordkeeping system of the series.