Date Range

Series date range: 1987 - 2006
Series in custody: 1987 - 2006
Contents in custody: 1987 - 2006

Function / Content

The purpose of these records was to provide summary information for clients received at the Turana Youth Training Centre (VA 971), between 1987 and up until its closure in 1993; and from 1993-2006 at Turana's replacement facility, the Melbourne Juvenile Justice Centre (later the Melbourne Youth Justice Centre) (VA 5086).

These records contain similar information in relation to admissions into custody to that recorded in the Admission and Discharge Registers (of which there are multiple Turana series held at PROV). Information recorded in the Admission Forms that is not found in the Registers is: Client File Number, offence, physical description of the youth and length of sentence.

The forms were used as follows: White (original) - Administration Property Officer; Pink (copy 1) - Police; Yellow (copy 2) - Records; Blue (copy 3) - Section. The colours of the forms that have been transferred into archival custody vary. In the latter years the original white copy only has survived.

How to use the records

Consult the list of records in this series.

Recordkeeping system

The forms are arranged alphabetically by surname within bundles covering a range of alphabetical letters within particular date ranges. Youth Welfare Division Client Record Cards provide a key to the date of admission until 1990. Otherwise, researchers would need to know the approximate date of admission.

There is a mix of two facilities represented - Turana Youth Training Centre (VA 971), between 1987 and up until its closure in 1993; and from 1993-2006 at Turana's replacement facility, the Melbourne Juvenile Justice Centre (later the Melbourne Youth Justice Centre) (VA 5086). See list of records for more information.

Please note files feature labels from a numbering system imposed by the controlling Department generated from TRIM electronic document and records management system. This system does not reflect the original recordkeeping system of the series.