Date Range

Series date range: 1955 - 1989
Series in custody: 1955 - 1989
Contents in custody: 1955 - 1989

Function / Content

This series contains cards detailing employees' history from Turana Youth Training Centre (VA 971).

The cards include name, date of birth, address, telephone number, position held and commencement date. The cards may also include the following information: date when the employee became a temporary officer, date when the employee became a permanent officer, date of resignation, previous employment history, salary levels and banking details.

Researchers should note that a review of this series at the time of transfer determined that the employee listings in this series is incomplete. The agency responsible for these records and Public Record Office Victoria have been unable to determine why this is the case. Employees who have been included in either Government Gazettes or Record Cards of Public Servants (VPRS 9889) do not always appear on the employee list in this series. If you are unable to find an employee who worked at this institution you may wish to refer to Record Cards of Public Servants (VPRS 9889) or Government Gazettes.

How to use the records

Consult the list of records in this series.

Recordkeeping system

There are two separate sequences of cards. One set of cards is described as Ex-Employees' Cards.

Cards in each sequence are arranged alphabetically by surname of the employee. The Ex-Employee cards do not include any cards for surnames beginning with the following letters: Q,R,S,T.