Record series

Instruction Manuals, Procedures and Management Reports

VPRS 17991
1960 - 1992
North Melbourne

Date Range

Series date range: 1960 - 1992
Series in custody: 1960 - 1992
Contents in custody: 1960 - 1992

Function / Content

This series contains numerous records from the Turana Youth Training Centre (VA 971) including:

- Instruction Manuals
- Procedures
- Program Objectives
- Guidelines
- Historical Information
- Turana Task Force Final Report 1985.

The purpose of the records was principally to provide instructions and guidelines to Centre staff in relation to such matters as bail procedures, sentence appeals, applications for Legal Aid, admitting office duties, transfers of trainees to other institutions and within Turana, Assessment Centre duties, Remand, and Wardship.

The series contains a small number of manuals pertaining to programs, policy and objectives of Turana, with an emphasis on instructional guidelines for staff. The records have been retained for the contextual information they provide on various aspects of Turana during the period covered by the records. The collection of documents includes a copy of the Turana Task Force Final Report 1985. The collection includes some historical notes on the Turana Youth Training Centre, including its philosophy, goals and objectives.

How to use the records

Consult the list of records in this series.

Recordkeeping system

The records are not arranged in any particular order.

Please note files feature labels from a numbering system imposed by the controlling Department generated from TRIM electronic document and records management system. This system does not reflect the original recordkeeping system of the series.