Record series
Trainee Case Files: Liaison and Advocacy Unit
VPRS 18058
1986 - 1990
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Department of Community Services (also known as Community Services Victoria) ( VA2633 ): 1986 - 1990
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Health and Human Services ( VA 5037 ): 2015 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1986 - 1990
Series in custody:
1986 - 1990
Contents in custody:
1986 - 1990
Function / Content
This series consists of case files of children residing at Turana Youth Training Centre (VA 971) who, because of particular needs or problems, came under the attention of the Liaison and Advocacy Unit.The files contain information obtained for the purposes of focussing on trainee rights, access to appeal systems and ensuring that Departmental practice, policy and procedure was meeting the needs, interests and overall emotional and physical welfare of trainees and their families. These records are specific to case planning meetings, wardship reviews, case notes, Children's Court documents, correspondence and so forth. The trainee centred information records placement at institutions, length of stay, purpose of placement, rights issues, Departmental involvement, assessments and work plans to assist and support the trainee to reside in the community. Since regional files were held at regional offices, the Liaison and Advocacy Unit, as a specialist unit, required a filing system that was separate from the regions. By showing the operation and effect of the Unit's activities on clients, these files represent some of the only detailed records of the Unit's activity at client level. Copies of such records were not placed on all client regional files due to various contentious issues tackled by the Unit. These files represent the only complete collection of the Unit's client records for Turana.
The Liaison and Advocacy Unit, Practice Quality Branch of the Department of Community Services (VA 2633) was established to advocate the rights of clients primarily residing in institutions or at risk of institutionalisation and maintain pressure on the Department to ensure quality client service.
A Liaison and Advocacy Unit officer was appointed as the departmental 'watchdog' within Turana. The incumbent had the responsibility of appraising internal procedures and programs. Additionally, they acted as an advocate for children, ensuring that their legal and civil rights were upheld. To do this they liaised with external officials from the Children's' Court and other bodies, as well as departmental and institutional staff.
The Department of Health and Community Services' Liaison and Advocacy Unit was formally disbanded in July 1990, yet the files may hold later enclosures.
How to use the records
Consult the list of records in this series to locate the file of interest.Recordkeeping system
Files are arranged alphabetically by client surname.Please note that the files may feature labels from a numbering system imposed by the controlling Department generated from TRIM electronic document and records management system. This system does not reflect the original recordkeeping system of the series.