Record series

Card Index to Financial Bond Holders

VPRS 18375
1974 - 1984
North Melbourne


This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1974 - 1984
Series in custody: 1974 - 1984
Contents in custody: 1974 - 1984

Function / Content

The records in this series contain information related to Financial Bond Holders including:

- Contact details
- Correspondence dates
- Brief summary of correspondence
- Potential bond holders
- Bond amounts held
- Bond payment date
- Bond interest rates.

These funds in conjunction with Government funding financed the construction of the Melbourne Underground Rail Loop.

How to use the records

Consult the list of records in this series.

Recordkeeping system

These records, contained on index cards, are arranged alphabetically.