Record series
Foreshore Plans
VPRS 18802
1972 - 1984
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Port Phillip Authority ( VA1102 ): 1972 - 1984
Agencies responsible for this record series: Ports Victoria ( VA 5257 ): 2021 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1972 - 1984
Series in custody:
1972 - 1984
Contents in custody:
1972 - 1984
Function / Content
This series comprises plans of the foreshore within the Port Phillip Authority’s boundaries. The plans were prepared from aerial photography from the compiling section of the Department of Crown Lands & Survey (VA 538).The locations depicted in the plans include Altona, Bellarine, Queenscliff, Brighton, Chelsea, Corio, Flinders, Frankston, Geelong, Mordialloc, Mornington, Port Melbourne, Sandringham, South Melbourne, St. Kilda, Werribee and Williamstown.
The plans primarily document Port Phillip Authority boundaries along the Victorian coast, as well as Committee of Management boundaries, municipal boundaries, and freehold boundaries. The geographical features and infrastructure recorded include exposed rock and/or rubble, sea walls, groynes, slipways, boat ramps, railways, vegetation, boat houses and/or bathing boxes, dressing sheds and/or toilets, other buildings and land subject to inundation. These details are taken from the plan’s legend.
Before being transferred to PROV, these plans were held at the Queenscliffe Maritime Museum.
How to use the records
Researchers should browse the record item listing to identify plans of interest, or search the series by plan location.Recordkeeping system
Each plan in the series has been assigned a sheet number from 1-156, and they are arranged in numerical order. The number is accompanied by the location, e.g. Queenscliff Sheet 67. The plans for each location tend to have consecutive sheet numbers, for example the Bellarine plans are found in sheets 101-110.Also present on the top of each plan is a five digit number starting in 7 - the first in this sequence is 72349. These numbers relate to series VPRS 18789 Port of Melbourne Soundings Plans, where this is the primary control number for that series. The plans in that series had been top numbered with five digit plan numbers, and these plans were originally included in that run of plans. However, both the provenance and the function of this set of foreshore plans was different to the other top numbered plans in that sequence, and so these were removed into their own series.
The location-and-sheet-number arrangement has been used in the listing for this series as it appears to be the original recordkeeping system from when the plans were first created. In the record item listing, the locations and sheet numbers are listed as the plan title, and the five digit number as the plan number.
There is no known index for this series.