Record series

Index to Honorary / Senior Medical Staff Minutes

VPRS 19259
1930 - 1985
North Melbourne

Date Range

Series date range: 1930 - 1985
Series in custody: 1930 - 1985
Contents in custody: 1930 - 1985

Function / Content

This series comprises an index to the minutes of the Honorary and Senior Medical Staff (VPRS 19117) of the Royal Melbourne Hospital (VA 1048).

The Senior Medical Staff consists of all specialist medical staff with a senior appointment as Head of Unit. Historically, these appointments were honorary until the 1970s, and were often called Medical Officers in Charge of Departments or In-Patient Physicians and In-Patient Surgeons.

This group advised the hospital and executive on clinical matters and made recommendations on all medical matters including new services, medical appointments, clinical facilities and operations.

Prior to transfer to Public Record Office Victoria, the records in this series were maintained as part of the Royal Melbourne Hospital Archives.

How to use the records

This indices in this series are arranged using an alphabetical system. The alphabetical subject indices to these minutes are in four sequences: a volume covering 1930-1936, and cards covering the periods c1930-c1951, c1951 to mid-1975, and 22 July 1975 to c 1985. Note that the second sequence from c1930-c1951 also has an alphanumerical sequence but this order has at some time in the past been rearranged into an alphabetical system by subject. No control system for this alphanumeric system exists.