Record series

Barristers and Solicitors Admission Files

VPRS 468
1892 - 1990
North Melbourne


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Agencies responsible for this record series:

Date Range

Series date range: 1892 - 1990
Series in custody: 1892 - 1989
Contents in custody: 1892 - 1989

Function / Content

After the passing of the Legal Profession Practice Act 1891 no person shall be admitted to practise as a barrister or solicitor solely, but every person admitted to the Supreme Court shall be admitted both as a barrister and solicitor.(Section 10)

This series consists of the admission files for those persons seeking admission to practise after the Act came into effect. Files have contents which include the applicants Articles of Clerkship, affidavits of due execution of clerkship and of due service, the report of the Clerk of the Board of Examiners (of the Supreme Court) and a copy order of admission.

How to use the records

For records of admission of specific persons admitted to practise prior to ?1936, consult VPRS 1357 Index to Barristers and Solicitors Admission Files to find the number allocated that persons file in the alphabetical category based on family name.

Consult the consignment details for the unit containing the files with a particular alphabetical category and number range.

Recordkeeping system

Each file has been given a number. The number in blue or black is the number of admission of that person. The number in red is that used for filing the record in an alphabetical category based on family name. The number in red may be used to retrieve specific records as required.

In 1990, the recordkeeping system changed. The files were not numbered and filed by admission date. See VPRS 17376 for subsequent series.