Record series
Correspondence Inward From England
VPRS 5848
1862 - 1862
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Agencies responsible for this record series: State Library of Victoria ( VA 2923 ): 1960 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1862
Series in custody:
Contents in custody:
Function / Content
This series is a single volume which contains a small number of items of inward correspondence received from England. The letters have not been annotated with details of any action subsequently taken by Library staff after receipt of the item of correspondence.The letters in this volume appear to have been registered into an inward registered correspondence system but there are a many gaps within this sequence. This suggests that this volume is one of a number of volumes which was used to file away items received and numbered into this system from a number of different locations and/or authors.
Individual items have been pasted into a volume known as a guard book that was specially designed for this purpose.