Record series
Record of Melbourne Inquest Books
VPRS 7659
by 1901 - 1959
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Coroners Courts ( VA2263 ): 1901 - 1959
Agencies responsible for this record series: State Coroner's Office ( VA 2807 ): 1986 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1901 - 1959
Series in custody:
1920 - 1959
Contents in custody:
1920 - 1959
Function / Content
This series records summary information about inquests heard by the Melbourne Coroner's Court. The entries are arranged in chronological order and detail case number (annual single number), name and age of deceased, person reporting death (usually a police officer and station), initials of doctor performing post mortem (usually vacant), coroner, the complete inquest finding and the date the depositions were forwarded to the Registrar-General's Office for registration and filing.How to use the records
Consult the consignment details and order records of interest.Detailed instructions regarding inquests can be found here:
Recordkeeping system
The series is controlled by VPRS 7660 Index to Record of Melbourne Inquest Books. The contents of these indexes extend to 1901, indicating that this series was probably in existence by 1901. However volumes prior to 1920 have not been located. The case numbers in this series do not control the Inquest Deposition Files in VPRS 24. To access those files, consult VPRS 1920 Index to Inquests [Microfilm copy of VPRS 23].This series is in all probability the subsequent series to VPRS 1205 Register of Melbourne Inquest Verdicts 1858 - 1897. Information found in VPRS 1205 is similar in content although entries are arranged chronologically. A dual numbering system comprising an annual single number and a number indicating the month of the year is included in one of the columns of the final volume, however a controlling series is yet to be located.