Record series
Inwards Registered Correspondence
VPRS 903
1862 - 1873
North Melbourne
This record series was created by:
Board of Education ( VA713 ): 1862 - 1872
Agencies responsible for this record series: Department of Education ( VA 3098 ): 1992 - present
Date Range
Series date range: 1862 - 1873
Series in custody:
1862 - 1872
Contents in custody:
1862 - 1872
Function / Content
This series contains correspondence sent to the Board of Education and registered by it in VPRS 893 Classified Subject Index to Inward Registered Correspondence, VPRS 898 Register of Inwards Correspondence, Annual Single Number System and VPRS 895 Register of Inwards Correspondence. The series consists of correspondence from schools, from other Government officers and departments, from principals, teachers and inspectors and from other interested parties.Correspondence has had placed on it the registered number, the date of receipt by the Board, a summary of subject matter and annotations by the officers of the Board who dealt with it. A summary of the proposed action and / or reply may be written on these cover sheets.
Correspondence deals with such matters as proposals for the establishment of schools, matters relating to Local Committees of schools, the provision and maintenance of buildings, furniture and requisites, the appointment and management of teachers, applications for grants and subsidies and other representations and complaints to the Board.
How to use the records
A.1. Consult the Guide to VPRS 893/P. This is a list of indexing terms used in the first consignment of this series. It shows you which pages and in which volumes each subject appears.
2. Locate the page(s) that index the correspondence you are interested in eg. if you wished to find correspondence on Drawing Masters for 1864 - 1866 you would look up Drawing Masters in the list below:
Drawing Masters 1864 - 1866 Vol 1 p 183 - 186
3. You would then turn to page 183 of volume 1 and browse through the entries.
Having located an entry for a letter in which you are interested, you should note down its date and registration number.
Consult VPRS 898 Register of Inwards Correspondence, Annual Single Number System or consult VPRS 895 Register of Inwards Correspondence for entries of interest and note the date and registration number
Consult the Records Description List for the unit containing the correspondence numbers in which there is interest.