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PRO 62 Plan for  Transferring Records in APROSS to PROV is a template that has been designed to meet the following PROV requirement outlined in PROS 20/02 Storage Standard:

For the physical records already held in an APROSS as at 17/12/2020:

  • Public offices must develop plans to transfer to PROV those physical records held in commercial storage which are known or become known to have permanent value. The plan must meet requirements specified by PROV, be approved by the head of the public office or their delegate and provided to PROV upon request.

The purpose of the template is to aid public offices in their task of documenting their permanent value record holdings in APROSS. It helps with the process of planning and prioritising the work in order to begin making arrangements with PROV.

Please note: From 18/12/2020 public offices cannot move permanent value records to an Approved Public Record Office Storage Provider (APROSS). Permanent records already housed in an APROSS will require a plan to transfer the records to PROV. Under the Public Records Act 1973, public offices must transfer permanent value records to PROV once they no longer require ready access to them.