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For current updates on the project to replace PROS 07/01 RDA for Common Administrative Functions, see this page.


Project update - November 2023

Since the feedback period for Draft 1 of the new RDA for Human Resources Management Function closed, we have spent the time closely reviewing all of the feedback we received and making a number of changes to the draft. We received a lot of really helpful comments and suggestions, and the changes we have made have led to an improved Draft 2.

Given the significance of the RDA redevelopment project, as it will apply to all public offices, we have released a revised draft for a second round of public and stakeholder feedback. After incorporating the feedback from the first round of consultation, the functions are now described as:
•    Employment Management
•    Health, Wellbeing and Safety
•    Industrial Relations 
•    Staff Development
•    Volunteer Management


We have also produced a report describing the changes made in more detail. We will be accepting feedback on the draft from any interested party until COB Wednesday 6 December 2023.

PROV will continue to provide updates on this project through this page, our blog, and via the PROV Bytes newsletter. We are also continuing to accept feedback on PROS 07/01, especially for functions that have not yet been redeveloped at this stage of the project.

Project update - September 2023

Draft Human Resources Function RDA

The project team thanks everyone who provided us with feedback on the draft RDA for Human Resources Function records. We are working through all the comments, conducting some additional research and consultation, and will provide an update on a revised draft and next steps soon.

What's happening with the rest of PROS 07/01? 

During 2023-2024 PROV will develop a plan, in consultation with stakeholders, for the continued redevelopment of PROS 07/01. We intend to commence this work after the Human Resources RDA is finalised.

If you are interested in contributing to the planning please contact us at

Project update - July 2023

The past several months have been spent conducting interviews across government to discuss current experiences of using the selected functions in PROS 07/01, and hearing from HR and records specialists what they would like to see in the new HR Functions RDA.

Based on these interviews, a draft has been prepared and is was available for stakeholder feedback. The functions are described as:
•    Employment Management
•    Health, Wellbeing and Safety
•    Industrial Relations 
•    Staff Development

This draft has adapted existing coverage in PROS 07/01 into our ‘rolled up’ RDA style. This means that while most records that were covered in PROS 07/01 have coverage here (as well as some records for which there was no coverage), there are far fewer classes. Classes that had the same or similar retention periods, such as 5 years and 7 years, have been rolled up into larger ‘bucket’ classes. The intention is to make the RDA easier to implement.

While many records have the same or similar retention periods in the new draft, there has been some new appraisal either greatly increasing or reducing the retention periods for a small number of record types. More detailed information can be seen in the linking table showing where the existing record human resources classes of PROS 07/01 are covered in the new draft – this was found on the Request for Feedback post.

We will be accepting feedback on the draft from any interested party until COB Friday 4 August 2023.

PROV will continue to provide updates on this project through this page, our blog, and via the PROV Bytes newsletter. We are also continuing to accept feedback on PROS 07/01, especially for functions that have not yet been redeveloped at this stage of the project.


Project background

For the first part of this project, we previously put out a call for feedback on PROS 07/01.  This round of consultation is still open and we are still very interested in gathering further feedback.  Please submit your spreadsheet via email to  After reviewing the feedback we may contact you for further information.

Throughout August and September 2021, PROV also asked interested stakeholders to complete a short survey on which functions from the RDA for Common Administrative Functions should be prioritised for inclusion in a new pilot project to begin to redevelop and replace PROS 07/01. 

PROV received a great response to our survey. Thank you to everyone who participated, as well as those who have provided feedback on coverage gaps over the past few years. From collating all of the feedback, the two stand-out functions voted for review were Personnel Management and Financial Management.

Given the size and complexity of both of these functions, we decided to focus on Personnel Management in the first instance. We will be combining this with some smaller, closely-related functions to come up with a rolled-up RDA pilot project covering all personnel-related records. The functions from PROS 07/01 to be included are:

  • Personnel Management
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Industrial Relations
  • Staff Development 

Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.

PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples