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The Hon Heidi Victoria MP and Minister for the Arts announced the 2012-2013 Local History Grant recipients on 6 June 2013. 


East Gippsland Family History Group Inc

Digitise Bairnsdale Advertiser – Stage 2 (1932-1972)

Awarded: $7,800

A project to digitise reels of the microfilmed newspaper. A copy of the project will be provided to the National Library (Trove) and the State Library of Victoria.


Friends of Kurth Kiln

Interpretation Panels for Gas Producer Display

Awarded: $7,800

Create an interpretative display for a collection of six Charcoal Gas Producers as part of the Kurth Kiln Heritage site.


Pyramid Hill & District Historical Society Inc

Publication of a book entitled Remember, Respect, Rejoice

Awarded: $6,978

Publication of a book entitled Remember, Respect, Rejoice containing letters written home from World War One soldiers and nurses as published in the Pyramid Hill Advertiser.      


Mt Evelyn Returned & Services League Sub-branch

Monash Militia Camp  

Awarded: $6,000

To publish the history of the Monash Militia Camp commanded by Sir John Monash for Victoria’s 13th Brigade at Lilydale and Coldstream in February 1914.


Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon

Grey Street Primary School Centenary and Sesquicentenary          

Awarded: $6,500

Publish a book celebrating the Grey Street Primary School Centenary and digitisation of photographs and documents.


Quambatook Community Resource Centre

Quambatook Local History Video/Oral History Collection     

Awarded: $3,500

Record oral histories of community elders. Excepts of the recordings will be published as a series in the local Mallee Roots News.


Monbulk Historical Society Inc

Monbulk in Photographs Volume 1 – The Early Settlers

Awarded: $4,027.80

Publication of a revised edition of Monbulk in Photographs Vol. 1: The Early Settlers, a pictorial history of early Monbulk comprising a unique collection historical photographs and stories.


Hamilton History Centre Inc

Digitisation of Microfilm holdings       

Awarded: $3,548

Digitise the collection of microfilm rate books (1926-1954 and 1955-1971) and the Hamilton Spectator (1860-1878).


Yea and District Historical Society

The Settlement of Homewood, Victoria

Awarded: $3,249

A project to conserve the stories of pioneering families by converting audio tapes to digital format. The project will ensure the ongoing preservation of the community’s history for future generations.


Cardross Progress Association Inc

History of Cardross Book and DVD   

Awarded: $6,185.15

A project to publish a written history of Cardross and produce a DVD documenting the 2011 floods.


B-24 Liberator Memorial Restoration Fund Inc

Story Boards  

Awarded: $2,400

Develop and produce an interpretive panel about the B-24 Liberator, personnel and hangar. The completed the story boards will allow visitors to learn about the history and restoration of the Liberator.


Carlton Community History Group Inc

Carlton in the Forties: through the eyes of a child     

Awarded: $2,000

Publish a book of paintings by Desmond Norman recording his life as a child living in Carlton in 1939-1946.


Donalds 150th “back to” Committee

Now & Then – a book on the history of Donald shops and businesses        

Awarded: $10,000

This project will document the history of businesses and buildings in Donald from 1897.


Horsham Historical Society Inc

Memories of Drung Drung     

Awarded: $3,000

Compile the local history of the Drung Drung area from 1878 – 1956 including the school, soldier settlements and recollections of past students and families. A book will be produced serving as a permanent record of the development of Drung Drung and area. 


Shepparton Family History Group Inc

Early Families of Shepparton and District, Book 3   

Awarded: $5,445

The Shepparton Family History Group is collecting the stories of families who settled in Shepparton and district before 1940.  Grant funding will be used to produce a book of the compiled stories and will form the third volume in the series Early Families of Shepparton and District which have been published. 


Katunga Development Committee

Restoration and Preservation of History Boards       

Awarded: $2,650

Replace damaged interpretative history boards with new signs to help increase awareness of the town’s history and serve as an important educational tool for tourists and locals alike.


Yarra Plenty Regional Library

Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph collection       

Awarded: $3,775

Preserve and present the story of the Former Shire of Eltham and its pioneers to 1971.  The project will involve digitising and cataloguing the photographic collection held in partnership by Yarra Plenty Regional Library and Eltham District Historical Society.


Warracknabeal & District Historical Society

Local Oral Histories  

Awarded: $400

Purchase a digital voice recorder to record oral histories. The recordings will be saved digitally and preserved for future generations.


Maryborough Fire Brigade

150 reasons to celebrate history       

Awarded: $8,448

A project to publish the history of the Maryborough Fire Brigade. The book will highlight the instrumental role of the Maryborough Fire Brigade in shaping and supporting the community over the past 150 years.


Portland Family History Group

Borthwicks – The Portland Story        

Awarded: $11,600

Produce a DVD documenting the history of Borthwicks abattoir, including the stories of former workers.


Rochester Historical & Pioneer Society Inc

Digitisation of Old Local Newspapers           

Awarded: $3,762

Digitise twenty rolls of microfilm of the Rochester Express newspaper and make this information available for researchers.


Jewish Museum of Australia

Isaacson Family Project       

Awarded: $5,420

Preserve the stories of 5 register books (c1860-1900) and approximately 100 business records (receipts and invoices), letters, correspondence relating to the Ballarat and Melbourne Hebrew Congregations.


Brighton Historical Society Inc

Beside the sea: a history of public sea bathing at Brighton  

Awarded: $7,195.15

Produce an illustrated history of public sea bathing in Brighton covering relevant beach structures and the people who used them, including sea baths, bathing boxes, piers, and changes to the shoreline.


Friends of the State Coal Mine

Book reprint – Come Here! Gee Off!

Awarded: $3,738

Reprint the booklet Come here! Gee Off! originally written and published 21 years ago.


Friends of Warrnambool Botanic Gardens

Well & Windmill         

Awarded: $3,000

Develop interpretive signage documenting the history of the 130 year old well in the Botanic Gardens.


Euroa Historical Genealogical Society

Digital Archival Copying

Awarded: $5,807

Reproduce accurate digital images of Shire Rate Books (Euroa 1880 – 1950, Violet Town 1880 – 1950, Goulburn 1868 -1910 ), Cemetery records ( Euroa, Longwood and Violet Town) and minutes and records of Euroa AMP Society 1860 – 1950.


Picola & District Improvement Group

Signage at Picola Historic Railway Park       

Awarded: $4,000

Research and produce interpretive signage for a walking track at the Picola Historic Railway Park. The signs will document the story of Picola’s history and include photographs.


Shepparton Retirement Villages Inc

Production of Shepparton Villages History Book       

Awarded: $7,000

Record and publish the stories of families who settled in Shepparton and district before the 1940s.


Benalla & District Historical Society Inc

Digitisation of Benalla Standards Newspaper from 1900-1967        

Awarded: $14,500

Microfilm the Benalla Standards 1900-1967 in preparation for digitisation on Trove.


Broadford and District Historical Society Inc

Book publication Memories of Broadford; The history of Broadford  

Awarded: $6,300

A project to document and publish the history of Broadford including the achievements and memories of local people. From the early 20th century until today, the book will cover buildings, businesses, people, events and anecdotes.


Korong Historical Society

History of Wedderburn and district    

Awarded: $8,000

This project will produce a history of Wedderburn and district which will be based around people, events and places.  It will provide an introductory  chronological narrative which will summarise the major developments in Wedderburn and the surrounding area.  


Kerang & District Family History Group

 Conservation of historical valuation records 

Awarded: $13,900

Funding will be used to microfilm, scan and create a digital version of 270 volumes of historical Shire of Kerang rate records dated 1895 – 1961.


Fitzroy History Society

Inner Circle Railway Walk      

Awarded: $3,000

Fitzroy History Society intend to design, research, produce and publish a self guided walk along the Inner Circle Railway.


Phillip Island Historical Society

‘Grey Water’ – French Island Oral History     

Awarded: $5,000

This grant will be used to conduct oral interviews with French Islanders, past and present, to create a portrait of this unique community. The interviews will be edited and examined in their sociological context,  looking at the small but important events and recollections that have shaped lives, for publication in a book.


Woomelang & District Historical Society

Woomelang & District Digitisation & Republishing Project    Awarded: $6,750

A project to digitise existing editions of the Woomelang Sun and purchase copies of the local history publication Land Worth Saving.


St Arnaud Friends of the Library

Digitising copies of St Arnaud Mercury

Awarded: $10,000

The grant will be used to continue to convert microfilm copies of the St Arnaud Mercury to a digital format and rebind hard copies of newspaper.


Buchan Cemetery Trust

Pioneer Tribute          

Awarded: $2,475

Funding will be used for the construction of interpretive signs in the Buchan Cemetery and digitisation of cemetery records to be made available online.


Ex Libris Port Fairy Book Fair Inc

Digital Stories for Kids           

Awarded: $3,000

This project will encourage the young people of Port Fairy to document their family stories as part of the Ex Libris Port Fairy Festival weekend.  Children from the local area in and around Port Fairy will be invited to record their family stories in August 2013 as a lead-in to the Festival weekend in September.


Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc

Digitising records and photographing gravesites for future generations       

Awarded: $1,200

The funds will allow for the purchase of equipment to photograph the headstone inscriptions at Cheltenham Memorial Park and make available online to the public.


Victorian Public Tenants Association

Pictorial History of the Victorian Public Housing Tenants Association          

Awarded: $5,000

This project will create an online historical record of the work undertaken by VPTA in public housing advocacy work. The collection will highlight the positive contribution made to housing advocacy and community strengthening across Victoria and within local communities by volunteer Public Housing Tenants and VPTA members.


Wandong Public Hall Inc

Wandong historical photographic display      

Awarded: $1,200

Produce a photographic display depicting Wandong – Heathcote Junction including the timber and brick industries, railways, businesses and people to be displayed in the Wandong Public Hall.


Cycling Victoria

Digitising Victorian Cycling History    

Awarded: $3,500

Grant funding will allow for the purchase of equipment to digitise the collection including historical records and photographs.


Friends of Ocean Grove Nature Reserve

History Project Ocean Grove Nature Reserve          

Awarded: $2,500

In conjunction with the Bellarine Historical Society, the Friends of Ocean Grove Nature Reserve will publish a history of the Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.


Bairnsdale Primary School

150th Anniversary of Bairnsdale Primary School      

Awarded: $10,300

Research, compile and publish the 150 year history of the Bairnsdale Primary School including personal anecdotes of students and staff who attended or worked at the School.


Glenmaggie Mechanics’ Institute

Glenmaggie Scottish Folk Festival 2013       

Awarded: $1,200

Produce panels that document the settlement of Gippsland and the history of Glenmaggie and the Glenmaggie Hall.


Wodonga Historical Society

Wodonga remembers Bonegilla & post war migration         

Awarded: $6,640

This project will gather and record community memories of Bonegilla and Wodonga’s experience of post-war immigration. A selection of the gathered materials will be presented in an on-line exhibition.


Mornington Peninsula Local History Network

Travelling Exhibition Education Kit and DVD 

Awarded: $5,600

An educational project to produce a DVD and education kit to support the travelling exhibition Postcards from the Mornington Peninsula.


Framlingham Aboriginal Trust

150 Years at Framlingham    

Awarded: $8,000

This project will bring together 150 years of memories from Framlingham’s Aboriginal community since it was first established as a mission in 1861. The end project will be a digital reproduction of photographs, written material, and oral histories and stories from residents, telling the history of Framlingham.


Wodonga City Council – Library

Yackandandah Times Digitisation     

Awarded: $14,750

Digitise the The Yackandandah Times and make available online through TROVE.


Echuca Urban Fire Brigade

Echuca Urban Fire Brigade – 140 years of history    

Awarded: $2,000

The brigade has an extensive photo collection and this project aims to catalogue those photos into a 140 year history. 


Hamilton Pastoral and Agricultural Society

Hamilton Showgrounds Heritage Walk          

Awarded: $3,110

Funding for this project will be used to develop a heritage walk highlighting the significance of the wool and agriculture industries in the district, and the importance of the Hamilton Pastoral and Agricultural Society.


Victorian Deaf Society (Vicdeaf)

Digitising Deaf History           

Awarded: $5,000

The grant funds will be used for the purchase of conservation materials to help preserve historical records dating from the 1880s including photographs, maps, posters and documents.


Collingwood Historical Society Inc

Notable People of Collingwood          

Awarded: $3,358

The creation of an online database of notable people associated with the former City of Collingwood (Abbotsford, Clifton Hill and Collingwood) which will be available through the Collingwood Historical Society website.


Cudgee Primary School

Cudgee Primary School 150 years   

Awarded: $6,000

This project will document and produce a historical recount of the past 150 years of Cudgee Primary School. A historian and artist will work with students and the community to document the history, create a visual display and produce a book.


Derrinallum & Lismore Community Association Inc

Stories and Snapshots: Memories from Around our Mountain         

Awarded: $3,000

A project to publish a book featuring the memoirs of community members recorded over the past ten years.


Whitehorse Historical Society Inc

Collection digitisation 

Awarded: $3,000

The Whitehorse Historical Society collection contains nearly 4000 historical photographs and over 6300 documents. This project will digitise important historical photographs and documents to help preserve items and improve access.


Queen Victoria Women’s Centre Trust

QVWC Centenary Timeline Project  

Awarded: $13,600

The Queen Victoria Women’s Centre Centenary Timeline Project will research, develop, publish and promote a interactive digital timeline documenting the 100 year history of the architectural and social significance of the heritage-listed QVWC building.


Swan Hill Genealogical Society

Swan Hill History Walk, an augmented reality           

Awarded: $5,700

The Swan Hill Genealogical and Historical Society will work with the tourism unit of the local Council and professional technicians to create an Augmented Reality App which will be a contemporary documentation of important and historical sites in Swan Hill.


Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation

Dja Dja Wurrung Cultural iPhone Application

Awarded: $5,900

Undertake research to develop a smart phone application highlighting historic and contemporary culturally significant sites on Dja Dja Wurrung country.


Villa Alba Museum Inc

The House tells its memories (Sound Art Installation)          

Awarded: $3,200

The project is to install a sound art installation at Villa Alba Museum as an interpretative aid that describes the original furnishings of the house, as detailed in the 1897 Auction Catalogue. 


Life Saving Victoria Ltd

Life Saving Victoria Digitisation Project: A history of two iconic Australian organisations    

Awarded: $6,050

This project seeks to digitise and index annual reports from the Royal Life Saving Society Australia (Victoria Branch) and Surf Life Saving Victoria.


Warrnambool Fire Brigade

Filing the past for the future   

Awarded: $2,000

2013 is the 150th anniversary of the Brigade and this project will digitise the Warrnambool Fire Brigade minute books dating from 1863 and make them available online.


Rosedale and District Historical Society

Centenary Celebrations of 1913 Rosedale Shire Hall           

Awarded: $2,000

As part of our centenary celebrations we are preparing various displays of historical significance to our area. This project will research and produce an interpretive display detailing the life of Agnes Buntine a famous local bullocky who made regular journeys from Port Albert through Rosedale to the gold fields with supplies.


Moyston Hall Committee

Moyston Hall Centenary Book

Awarded: $8,000

This project will record and publish the history of Moyston to celebrate the centenary of the hall in 2014.