Author: Government recordkeeping

On August 13th, we hosted our latest Records Management Network (RMN) Meeting. With more than 50 attendees joining us in person and 190 more tuning in online, the event was buzzing with energy and engagement.

We kicked off the day with a thought-provoking presentation from Sean Morrison, the Victorian Information Commissioner. Sean delved into the complexities of managing information with a focus on privacy, security, and freedom of information. His discussion highlighted the critical role of recordkeeping in these areas and underscored the need for well-resourced information management and security systems to support both organisations and the public effectively.

Following this, Mary Neazor from the Environmental Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) shared her organisation’s journey in managing records within SharePoint. Her observations on how effective planning and collaboration between information management, IT, and privacy teams can drive successful outcomes were really valuable. Although no one-size-fits-all solution exists, Mary emphasised the importance of clear communication and engaging the broader business in the process.

Next, Xander Hunter from PROV provided a detailed look at crafting policies and guidance in the rapidly evolving tech landscape, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data management. Their presentation was invaluable for understanding how to navigate these emerging issues within the records management field.

The event wrapped up with a lively roundtable discussion featuring representatives from three different organisations who shared their experiences with M365 and recordkeeping integration. Sharon Ipsen and Ben Harvie from the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) discussed the challenges of reevaluating an existing planned approach. Sue Klein from the Victorian Department of Parliamentary Services talked about her experience leading and implementing solutions while being new to the organisation. Finally, Kristy Dea from the Suburban Rail Loop Authority offered insights into managing complex projects with diverse stakeholder needs.

A big thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the success of the event. If you missed out or want to revisit the discussions, the recording and X (formerly Twitter) highlights are available below. You can also find the presentations on our RMN recap page.

We welcome any feedback and encourage those interested in presenting at future RMN gatherings to reach out to Marianne O'Hara




Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.

PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples