Author: Government recordkeeping

PROV has released a new Retention and Disposal Authority (RDA) to authorise disposal of records of the Professional Registration and Accreditation Function. 
The new RDA, PROS 19/02 Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Professional Registration and Accreditation Function, provides disposal coverage for the functions of registration and accreditation standards, codes, guidelines and procedures; practitioner registration and regulation; and accreditation.

Development of the RDA

The RDA was developed by the Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB) in consultation with PROV. It was based on an existing Standard, PROS 18/01 RDA for Records of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for Health Practitioners. PROV thanks VLAB for their work and contribution to the development of the RDA.

Scope of the RDA

The new RDA PROS 19/02 currently authorises disposal for records held only by the VLAB (function 1 and 3 only). The RDA has the potential to have its scope expanded in the future, to further include other agencies which perform similar professional registration and accreditation functions.

Also, the VLAB is now authorised to dispose of records under PROS 11/02 RDA for Records of the Supreme Court (function 3 only – Legal Profession Admission & Appointments).

The purpose of a Retention and Disposal Authority is to identify those records created and maintained by Victorian public offices which are required as State archives and to provide approval for the destruction of records not required after minimum retention periods have been met.