Author: Government recordkeeping

PROV is pleased to announce the release of the updated Recordkeeping and cloud services policy and associated topic page.

The Recordkeeping and cloud services policy is an update to the 2013 Recordkeeping implications of cloud computing policy. This updated policy aims to clarify guidelines concerning the management of public records in cloud environments, emphasising adherence to PROV standards.

Policy directives include:

  • ensuring that public records created or processed using cloud technologies adhere to standards for authenticity, completeness and accessibility throughout their lifecycle
  • utilising a risk and value-based approach to allocate resources, integrating records management requirements into contractual agreements with service providers
  • continuously monitoring providers' performance to ensure secure management of public records, compliance with retention obligations and ongoing accessibility beyond the duration of cloud service agreements
  • maintaining control and ownership of public records when using cloud services, mitigating risks related to jurisdictional governance and ensuring continuity through robust redundancy planning
  • ensuring the preservation of records' evidential value and accessibility, even after termination of cloud service agreements, to meet legal obligations such as Freedom of Information requests and inquiries.

Public offices should align PROV's Recordkeeping and cloud services policy in accordance with other PROV Policies - in particular the Value and Risk Policy, Managing Records in Business Systems Policy, Data and Recordkeeping Policy and adhere to Recordkeeping Standards and Retention and Disposal Authorities.

The Cloud services topic page supports the understanding of definitions, decision-making criteria for cloud services, risk assessments and strategies covering: 

  • key factors in procuring and overseeing cloud services
  • recognising the significance of compliance across the regulatory landscape
  • identifying and addressing risks specific to cloud environments through thorough risk assessments and mitigation plans.

Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.

PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples