These collections were taken by government photographers employed by agencies to capture various developments or projects undertaken in Victoria. They range from glass plate slides, captured at the turn of the century, to recent photographs taken during Melbourne events. Tip: Samples of some of these archival photographic collections can be found on our Flickr site.
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Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.
PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples
Aboriginal records
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- Koorie index of names (1839-1946)
- Superintendent correspondence, Aboriginal affairs
- Native Police Corps, Narre Warren
- Chief Protector of Aborigines records (1839-1851)
- Police Magistrate Port Phillip District
- Inward correspondence, Board for the Protection of Aborigines 1909–1939
- Secretary's letter book, Board for the Protection of Aborigines 1905-1917
- Letter book Coranderrk, Board for the Protection of Aborigines 1898-1924
- Inward correspondence, Superintendent of Port Phillip, 1839-1851
- Koorie index of names (1839-1946)
Buildings, government
Courts and Justice
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- Inquests into deaths (deposition files 1840-1985)
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 1: Police Branch
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 2: Crown Law Department
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 5: Miscellaneous records (1869-1881)
- Kelly Historical Collection Part 4: Reward Board (1879-1881)
- Melbourne Supreme Court civil case records (1841-1852)
- Beechworth Court of Petty Sessions/Magistrates’ Court Registers, 1888–1988
- Beechworth Court of Petty Sessions cause list books, 1875–1888
- Beechworth Court of Petty Sessions record books, 1875–1878
- Inquests into deaths (deposition files 1840-1985)
Early colonial administration
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- Outward letter books (Surveyor General’s Department, Port Phillip Branch) 1836-1856
- Outward letter books, Police Magistrate, Port Phillip District (1836-1840)
- Confidential despatches to Governor Bourke, 1836 – 1837
- La Trobe confidential correspondence, 1842-1843
- Duplicated returns and requisitions (Police Magistrate Port Phillip District) 1836-1839
- Inward correspondence, Superintendent of Port Phillip, 1839-1851
- Outward letter books (Surveyor General’s Department, Port Phillip Branch) 1836-1856
Land and property
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- Historic plan collection (1836-1984)
- Ballarat and Ballarat East Town Allotment Survey Plans
- Summary Contract Books, 1856-1935
- Flemington and Kensington Rate Books, 1882-1894
- Melbourne Rate Books, 1861-1975
- Hotham/North Melbourne Rate Books, 1855-1905
- Box Hill rate books 1936-1946
- Beechworth Indigo Shire rate books, 1856–1871
- Historic plan collection (1836-1984)
Local Government records (municipal records)
Prisons, correctional services, convicts
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- Register of Male and Female Prisoners (1855-1948)
- Capital case and capital sentence files
- Notification of exiles, 1844-1849
- Register of convicts, 1842–1854
- Register, Police Magistrate, Portland, 1840-1853
- Register of prisoners under sentence of hard labour, 1847-1853
- Alphabetical index to central register of male prisoners, 1868-1947
- Alphabetical index to central register of female prisoners, 1857-1948
- Register of Male and Female Prisoners (1855-1948)