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PROV has issued several RDAs that are applicable to all public offices. These provide coverage for records of common functions across government – such as human resources, training, identity verification, and financial management. The following RDAs can be used by any Victorian public office without the need to request permission from PROV.

Before undertaking a project to develop an RDA specific to an agency’s unique functions, the following RDAs should be consulted to determine what disposal coverage already exists.

The RDAs available to all public offices are:

PROS 07/01 – RDA for Records of Common Administrative Functions
This RDA covers the standard administrative records created by all agencies. Every agency will need to use this RDA. PROV is currently undertaking a project to replace this RDA in sections – where functions have been removed and replaced, this is clearly stated within PROS 07/01.

PROS 24/03 – RDA for Records of the Human Resources Management Function
This RDA covers records of employee and volunteer management, staff development, OH&S and industrial relations. It replaces four functions from PROS 07/01.

PROS 22/07 – RDA for Records of the Identity Verification Function
This RDA covers disposal of identity documentation provided to agencies that do not use Service Victoria infrastructure to verify identities of individuals. Agencies are encouraged to dispose of documents provided to verify identity as soon as the records are no longer required to reduce the risk of personal data privacy breaches.

PROS 19/08 – RDA for Records of Organisation Response to Child Sexual Abuse Incidents and Allegations
This RDA covers records of incidents and allegations of child sexual abuse. It includes reporting, investigating, providing redress to individuals, and the development and implementation of organisational policy and guidelines regarding the prevention of child sexual abuse.

This RDA was developed in response to recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

PROS 16/02 – RDA for Records of Non-Accredited Training
This RDA covers records of developing and delivering non-accredited training within Victorian government agencies.

[Agencies that provide training as RTOs should consult PROS 16/01 RDA for Records of Accredited Training.]

PROS 19/07 – RDA for Converted or Digitised Records
This RDA covers the disposal of hard copy records where they have been digitised and the digital copy is treated as the official record.

Please refer to the conditions outlined in the RDA as to when hard copy records can and cannot be disposed of. Agencies must have a Digitisation Plan in place to use this RDA.