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The Victorian Government recognises that local and community history is an important part of Victoria’s memory. The Local History Grants Program encourages and fosters community activities that preserve, record and share the local, social and community history of Victoria and Victorians. 


Entries for the Local History Grants Program 2024-2025 are now closed.

Applications closed on Monday 9 December. PROV aims to announce successful applications by the end of June 2025. On occasion our announcements can be delayed due to factors that are out of our control. If this is the case, PROV will make contact with all applicants and provide an update. All applicants, both successful and unsuccessful, will receive the outcome via email. For any questions contact the grants team at


Local History Grants Program 2023-2024

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023-2024 round of the Local History Grants Program, announced by the Minister for Government Services on 12 June 2024. See the media release here. The full list of recipients, including digitisation projects, oral histories, memorial and anniversaries, can be found under Round 22 Recipients 2023-2024.


Accountability Reports for current grant recipients

All successful Local History Grants recipients are required to complete the following reporting in accordance with the conditions of their grant Funding Agreement.  All reports are provided in word format:  

Progress Reports

For grants awarded in the financial year 2014-2015 and the years prior, Progress Reports should be completed at six monthly intervals. For grants awarded in the 2015-2016 financial year and thereafter, Progress Reports should be submitted at 12 monthly intervals.

Download the Progress Report.

Project Variation

Requests for project variation (timeframes, products, budget etc.) can be made via the Project Variation Form.

Project Completion Report and Accountability Statement

A Project Completion Report and Accountability Statement must be completed once the project has been completed. The report should provide details of the project outcomes and items or services which were purchased with the grant funds. Where your organisation has been Fund Managed or auspiced, the authorised contact officer from that organisation will be required to sign the expenditure statement.

Download the Project Completion Report and Accountability Statement.

Acknowledgements Advice

Projects funded by the Local History Grants Program should (where possible) acknowledge the support of the Victorian Government in making your project possible by displaying or printing the Victorian Government and Public Record Office Victoria logos, and including a written acknowledgement provided in this document. 

Download the Acknowledgement Advice and Vic Gov and PROV Logos


If you require further information on the Local History Grants Program please email